Southern Water keen to build
Southern Water wants to build – on spare land it owns in Amherst Road, on the site of Newgate Reservoir, next to Amherst Gardens. An amended application was registered on the 2 August for full planning permission to build four houses and two flats with ten parking spaces.
Newgate Reservoir: how the proposed houses and flats may look
Public consultation runs only until next Wednesday, the 23 August. If you would like to comment on this planning application please send an email to including the application number [HS/FA/06/00617], your name, address, comment and reason for interest.
Newgate Reservoir as it looks today. Southern Water want to build four houses and two flats on the site.
An abridged version of the application letter from VLH Associates of 27 Watling Street, Canterbury, on behalf of Southern Water Services Ltd, Southern House, Capstone Road, Chatham, Kent, follows:
Dear Sir
Planning application: land at Newgate Reservoir, Amherst Rd, Hastings.
On behalf on my client Southern Water plc. Full planning application for four houses and two flats with parking for 10 cars, and construction of a new access road to the land at the side and rear for continued use by Southern Water. The previous application was refused as insufficient parking had been provided.
Site plans for Southern Water’s proposed development in Amherst Road
The buildings comprise a semi-detached pair of 3 bedroom houses with roof accommodation, a terrace of two houses (one with 3 bedrooms and the other with 2 bedrooms) and 2 one bedroom flats with undercroft parking. Each house has a comparatively wide garden, with depths of between 9.3 and 9.7m.
The buildings have been designed to reflect some of the design features of properties in the area; using gable-ended and pitched roof designs, red tiles and brickwork; as well as render panel and timber framing on the principal elevations. The form of the development is compatible with the street scene and surrounding area, relating to the lower density development further east and the higher density further west along Amherst Road. The ten parking spaces are provided by two undercroft spaces and eight open spaces. Southern Water needs to retain access to the remainder of the site for maintenance purposes. There are no members of staff working permanently on the site, and so only occasional visits by engineers would be required. The retaining wall along Amherst Close would be kept so there would be no change to the existing features fronting this road. The nearest properties would not be affected by the development. There is sufficient distance to the residential properties on the other side of Amherst Close and 37a Amherst Road to avoid any undue overlooking or loss of privacy. The properties in Amherst Close (to the rear of the site) would not be affected as the application site does not extend as far as the reservoir and its retaining wall to the rear. Hence no overlooking could occur. The rear of the proposed properties would have long distance views to the other side of the valley and would not be looking down upon or dominating other residential properties.
The letter is signed by Vic Hester, of VLH, 27, Watling Street, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 2UD.
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