Bohemia Journal – issue 21 (June 1986)
BOHEMIA Issue 21 (June 1986)
21 TODAY !
With this issue our Journal comes of age. We have positively if perhaps not always effectively made our point of view well known to our bureaucrats. In that way we have not allowed those who run our affairs to ignore us, as they will always do if not reminded of our presence.
We have also always been ready to help various charitable organizers in their good works, starting our own Benevolent Fund as well, as I reported in our last issue.
While our readers make many complimentary remarks about our Journal, and, indeed, give us substantial backing in our efforts – like my Charity Walk last year and in giving us good Jumble when required – many of you, having the best of intentions, just do not get around to giving us the encouragement of your membership…..
So, on this special occasion, we are making you a Special Offer: See our Membership Secretary, Bob Atkin ( at 11 Clarence Road, you remember) and join now and you won’t have to pay any further subscriptions until September 1987 – unless, of course, you insist on doing so…..
At our May Meeting I was awarded a Vote of Thanks for producing the Bulletin. I should insist again, however, that this is a team effort and I would like to take this chance of thanking all those who make it possible.
We are, in effect, writing a continuing history of our part of the Borough of Hastings. If you have any contribution to offer I will be glad to consider it.
I can also do with more helpers in obtaining news items, in collecting, folding, stapling and distributing this Bulletin. If you can help please contact me, Bert Northwood, Editor. 39 Salisbury Road. Hastings 426684.
Briefly, in my last edition, I commented on a Report in the local Press that the Green Party were pressing for the repeal of all local bye-laws that forbid cyclists to ride on pavements and footpaths.
My article produced the following reply from Mr. Bob Sloan of 34 Upper Park Road:
“Dear Editor, I don’t know how the Green Party’s policy on cycling was reported in the Hastings News (see Pavement Cyclists, p.15 in March BARA Journal), nut it seems to me to have been misunderstood.
The Green Party wants better provision for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport rather than private cars (which waste energy, pollute the environment and kill people). Transport policies that force pedestrians to make long and inconvenient detours through ramps, tunnels and steps, and force cyclists to take their chances amongst fast-moving traffic, so that motorists can save seconds from their journey times, have to be altered.
We want Hastings to implement East Sussex County Council policy on cycling by providing routes along the seafront, suitable footpaths and on new road schemes. We are not “pressing for the repeal of all laws that forbid cyclists to ride on pavements and footpaths.” The merits of each case would have to be looked at individually.
The Green Party is for conservation of the planet’s resources, and devolution of power: “Think Globally, Act Locally”. Thus we think that decisions whether to save or build on Summerfields or Horntye Allotments should not be made by distant speculators motivated by profit, or by Councillors living in other parts of Town, motivated perhaps by personal prestige, or party politics, but by local people such as Bohemia Area Residents!”
Thank you, Mr Sloan! We are grateful for this clarification. I have to stress that it is still illegal for anyone to ride a cycle on the pavement. We do not, of course, want to force very small children to ride on the roads. It is however advisable that they should be accompanied by an adult if cycling on the pavement. (Ed.)
OLD BAKERY ANTIQUES [Advertisement] 98, BOHEMIA ROAD. TEL 435493. House Clearance, Pine Stripping Service. We buy and sell stripped pine and other furniture, brass, china etc.
J. PAINE [Advertisement] PLASTERING AND GENERAL BUILDING WORKS Tel 427995. Cornice moulding a speciality.
In April a party of fifteen children with Rosemary Fleet and myself travelled to Sweden to take part in a music seminar at LundUniversity near Malmo and give several Concerts in Schools.
It was another wonderful experience of generous hospitality and warm friendship. The children were, as always, most creditable ambassadors for Britain.
We returned by boat from Gothenburg to Harwich, a 26-hour crossing, on the day of the violent hurricane which also unfortunately damaged the School’s Solar Panels.
However, we arrived back safely, even if one or two felt a little squeamish, and our Solar Panels are to be repaired in time for the summer, which must come soon!
In July (7th-12th) we shall once again be providing the Choir for the professional production of ‘Joseph’ at the White Rock Theatre which last year broke all records. If you saw it then – come again! If you missed it then…. don’t miss it this time!
In the same week we shall again be in the Finals of the National Festival of Music for Youth at the Royal Festival Hall, London, when we shall be performing a delightful musical drama all about Hastings, written by Rosemary Fleet, entitled “Seascapes”.
In the past twelve months we have donated nearly £2000 to charity, but now we must concentrate on our much needed School fund. On Monday June 9th we shall be giving a Concert at the White Rock Theatre 7.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m., which shall include “Seascapes” and also an original musical – “Big G” (Goliath) – words by one of our parents, Douglas Verrall. Tickets can be obtained at the White Rock Theatre. All our children will be taking part and your support will be much appreciated.
DEREK NORCROSS , Headmaster.
MONKS & THORP [Advertisement] YOUR FAMILY BUTCHERS. 94, Bohemia Road, Tel 435701. FREEZER MEAT. PRICE PER 5LBS. Lamb Chops £5.00. Pork Chops £6.00. Mincemeat £4.20. Steak & Kidney £7.40. Braising Steak £7.40. Cut Chicken £3.50. Pork Sausages £3.30. Lambs Liver £3.50. Pigs Liver £3.00. Whole of half lambs and pigs cut and bagged to your requirements. Competitive prices on application. Fresh farm turkeys and chickens, hams, cheeses, cooked meats etc. Join our Christmas and Hamper Clubs.
NORTH STAR [Advertisement] Clarence Road, Tel 439485. Fine Ales, Strong Lagers, Good Wines, Bar Snacks, Full meals, Extensive Menu.
I would like to take this opportunity of thanking those residents who recently attended our General Meeting and thank them for their support, as it is very gratifying to see you at these meetings. We work very hard during the year to get things done for our members (and I can tell you it is very hard work sometimes), but when you turn up at our meetings it all seems well worth while!
We are at this time very short of Committee members – folk do a helpful stint, and then, either for personal reasons or because they leave the area, we lose them and have to look around for replacements. I would be grateful if anyone in our area who is willing to help would contact me.
Due to this shortage of Staff (!) I have taken on the job of Social Secretary as well as my normal one. I have applied to the Borough for permission to hold a Street Party in Aldborough Road on Saturday, July 12th (a hot sunny July day!) We hope that all our members will attend and meet other members, eat drink and be merry and hopefully enjoy themselves.
So far. the Borough Engineer has sent us a list of standard conditions that must be accepted before permission for the street closure is given. These define the area of the street to be closed, the provision of adequate signs etc. that no noise nuisance, or bonfires or barbeques be allowed and that we are responsible for clearing up any mess afterwards etc.
We have agreed to these requests, which are quite reasonable. We now await the decision of the Borough Council. I will, of course, keep you informed of developments. It will help us with the catering if all who are interested would contact me.
Finally, I would like to say if at any time you need any help or want us to do anything for you, please do not hesitate to contact me or any of the Committee.
Dee Jones, 47 Newgate Road. Telephone Hastings 437125.
SANDELL PERKINS [Advertisement] The South’s Leading Timber & Builders Merchants. Springfield Valley Rd, tel: Hastings 424300. For all your building and home improvement requirements. Softwoods, Hardwoods, Chipboard, Blockboard, Plywood, Sand, Cement, Bricks, Blocks, Door and Window Frames, Guttering, Electrics, Tools Plumbing and Much More. C.O.D. Delivery Service Available. The Merchant On Your Doorstep. ‘Build On Our 200 Years Experience 1785-1985’.
OWBENN ANTIQUES [Advertisement] And upholstery. Antique Dealers-Traditional and modern upholsterers, French Polishers and Restorers. 76 & 80 Bohemia Road. Tel 437443.
I have now been the Area Beat Constable for Bohemia and Silverhill for the last ten months, and I can say with hand on heart that I have enjoyed my work – or the greater part of it. The people have been on the whole very helpful and supportive, and I would like to extend my thanks via this Bulletin to the many local residents who have assisted me.
Being an Area Constable involves understanding the problems and the needs peculiar to that area. Bohemia does have problems, the most important possibly being the parking at peak hours in Bohemia Road itself. No-one knows the valuable minutes lost by the fFire Brigade, Ambulance and Police as they are held up in the daily traffic jam in Bohemia Road. Usually this hold-up is caused by one parked vehicle whose driver is seemingly unaware of the parking regulations and cannot be found. Bohemia Road is the main route out of Town for the Emergency Services – so please try that you cannot park to load or unload from 8.30 a.m. to 9.30 a.m. and 4.45 p.m. to 6.0 p.m.
I have also received complaints regarding the parking of vehicles in Horntye Road when the School finishes at St. Paul’s. A more sensible approach by parents when they pick up their children would ease the congestion and danger to our younger pedestrians. I will, however, be keeping an eye on the situation.
During March and April quite a few vehicles were taken from the area around Salisbury Road. Leaflets were left on vehicles in that area warning the owners to take more care when securing their cars. All the vehicles stolen were later found abandoned and returned to their owners, and although the spate seems to have died down, I would still remind car owners to be vigilant.
I’m glad to see that this area is forming a Neighbourhood Watch, which should help to cut the number of crimes in Bohemia. To be really successful the scheme does need 100% commitment and I hope to see stickers appearing in all your windows. I understand from your Contact Co-ordinator, Bert Northwood that volunteers are still required. If you have even a little time to spare, please help us to fight crime. I have been aware over the last few months that some shopkeepers have been placing boards, signs, and goods for sale on the public pavement; this constitutes ‘Obstruction’ and is an offence. I have advised shopkeepers of their liabilities regarding possible Police prosecution and civil damages. If any resident feels that these articles are an obstruction to them then please would they contact me at the Police Station.
Lastly, on a final note, if anyone needs advice or help on non-urgent matters then please ring me on Hastings 425000 and I will be pleased to deal with any queries from you.
Early in 1977, following a meeting of the Hastings Council of Churches, at which the speaker was Mr. Herries of the Community Services Council, it was decided that something should be organized at ParkRoadMethodistChurch to provide a meal for lonely residents in the area. Mr. W. Syrus had been well-known in the area for 40 years, and he and his wife, with full backing from Church officials, started a project to provide a full cooked meal on Fridays prior to the meeting of the Bohemia Golden Age Club.
Mrs. Amy Syrus is now the organizer for the meals and has a very hard-working rota of cooks and helpers. 16-20 people are catered for and each week the members have soup, a main course, sweet and tea or coffee. Those who live alone are very appreciative of the opportunity to eat in company with others, and most stay on to join with the Golden Age Club members who meet from 2.0 to 4.0 p.m. for card games, darts, Scrabble etc.
Anyone over 60 can join the Golden Age Club and find fellowship, a cup of tea and a ‘natter’. With numbers limited for the Friday meals project, application for membership of that is essential. Mrs. Syrus lives at 39 Newgate Road.
The Golden Age Club also provides a Summer Outing and a Christmas Party amongst its activities.
Did you know that there was a spindryer and washing machine in the Great Exhibition of 1851? It held between 100 to 300 lbs of wet wash and was worked by steam. There were also models worked by hand for use in work-houses, hospitals etc.
Pack Holiday at “Newhaven Boys’ Club”
March 22nd – Saturday, was very wet and very windy but to us it was an exciting day. It was the day we were to start our Pack Holiday. With great excitement we met at St. Peter’s Church Hall, loaded our baggage onto the coach, waved “Goodbye” to our families and off we went.
It had stopped raining by the time we reached Newhaven, where we were met by the leader of the Music Studio and his friend. They helped us unload and before we set our rooms out we had our packed lunch. It took us most of the afternoon to set our rooms out in the best way for us for the week.
We had visited the Hall before, but had not thought to look in the oven. When my cook and I looked, on that Saturday, we realized that the tins that we had brought with our ‘fund raising’ money would not fit in the oven and we had spaghetti bolognaise and casserole on our menu, plus roast chicken and roast potatoes to cook for thirty people on Sunday.
After retreating to a quiet corner for a while, Lyn had the problem solved and we were able to keep our menu and the meals were delicious. As there was a Playpark and Assault Course by the side of our Hall, late that afternoon we went out to explore it, coming back very muddy.
Sunday morning we went to St. Michael’s Church, which is a Fisherman’s Church, and is over 800 years old. We were welcomed by the Vicar and invited in to tea and squash after the service, and met some interesting and very helpful people. Returning to the Hall, there were our jobs waiting to be done – tidy the dormitory, sweep the dining room and lay the tables ready for dinner, clean the toilets, washbasins and mop the floor. These duties are done every day, and we work in our groups of six in a rota, changing our jobs every day.
On Monday we paid a visit to our local shops to buy our groceries and sweets. In the afternoon we all baked our cakes, making whatever we liked; this always proves a great success with us all.
Tuesday afternoon found us enjoying a game of football in the gymnasium and the Brownies that did not want to play football worked upstairs on craft. During the evening, Mr. Bailey from the Music Studio invited us down to the Recording Studio, which was next to the gymnasium. While we were there he made a recording of the Brownies singing some of their favourite songs. He gave us five tapes and we bought thirty – one for each of the Brownies and Guiders as a memento of our week at the Hall.
Wednesday saw another outing to the shops for the rest of our groceries and in the afternoon Mr. Bailey gave us a talk on the history of FortNewhaven which was most interesting. Later, the Brownies made Easter Bonnets and wore them to their party, where they were given a chocolate egg – donated by the parents of one of our Brownies – and an Easter chick – bought from a donation by our Hostess Badge Tester. It was a lovely day.
On Thursday we were up early, all making our own sandwiches, beds made, Hall tidy, and off we went to the Station to catch our train to Brighton. At Brighton we visited the Aquaruim and Dolphinarium. We were able to see the baby dolphin, which was lovely, and the dolphins sang “Happy Birthday!” to a little girl in the audience and to Maria, one of our Brownies. The Californian Seals also played “Happy Birthday!” to Maria. We bought our presents for our families at the Gift Shop, and as we were enjoying ourselves so much we stayed there all day instead of visiting the shops.
On Friday morning we folded our beds up and packed our cases ready for the homeward journey. We had a mini-sports afternoon and then a good clean of the Hall, leaving it ready for the Brownie Pack arriving on Sunday. Mr. Bailey had been so helpful during the week, arranging events for us all, and had become part of the family by the time we left. We bought a record voucher for the Recording Studio that he runs as a way of saying “Thank You!”
We arrived home at 8.0 p.m. on Friday evening, tired but very happy to see our families again. A big “Thank You!” goes to all our Guiders and helpers, especially to Mrs. Lynda Rummery, our cook, who gave us such lovely meals from the little cooker.
It is with real pleasure that I introduce two brothers for each of whom I have a genuine admiration. Each is gentle, quiet-voiced, always ready to be helpful and expert in his own field.
DAVID GREEN of Edgewood Electric in London Road joined the Royal Navy as a Boy Seaman. After completing his training and coming of age he became an Aircraft Handler. He left the R.N. in 1953 and for the next 12 months he had several local jobs. He then joined the local firm of W. R. Hornbrook of Kings Rd. and Battle. From there he went on to work for the Bendix Company, servicing launderette and commercial vending equipment. Gaining increasing experience in the field of electrics he then started his own electric wiring contracting firm and then began doing work on domestic electric appliances . Five years ago he decided to open his shop with three engineers. He has now given up service work personally and now remains full-time in the shop. His firm still, of course, offers expert and reliable servicing of domestic equipment. He is married with no children. His hobbies are gardening and trout fishing. He ties his own flies.
COLIN GREEN of Empress Art was born in Hastings and was educated at the GroveSecondary School. After leaving school he traveled abroad, mainly in Germany and the Far East, for ten years playing the piano in pop groups and cabaret bands. He started his picture business nine years ago and turned to picture framing two years later. His hobbies are computers, postcards and music.
JEAN & VIC WILSON As you may know, Jean and Vic Wilson have sold their greengrocery business and retired. They ask me to pass on the following message: We would like to thank all our customers for their loyal support and patronage over the years. We are sorry to be leaving you all after such a long time, but we all get older and have to move along the line. Thank you all once again.
OPEN ALL HOURS [Advertisement] 107 Bohemia Road. FULL OFF-LICENCE. Groceries, Stores, Provisions etc. Ices, Confectionery.
R & J PERKINS [Advertisement] Sharpening service, Discount tools, Key cutting, Locks. Electrical goods and repairs, Paraffin, Lawn mower repairs. Paraffin heaters serviced. 105 Bohemia Road, St. Leonards. Hastings 430301.
PAUL SMITH [Advertisement] THE NEW YORK, CHICAGO AND ST. LOIUS RAILROAD COMPANY. Company Shares, Bonds, Debentures, 19th & 20th Century Prospectuses. Legal Documents. For Prices Contact: Paul Smith, 39, Amherst Road, Hastings. Tel 426753.
GRINDLE & CO [Advertisement] Who’s selling your property? Over 30 years experience in selling your type of property in the Bohemia area. Estate Agents, We offer a special discount to members of the Bohemia Residents Association. NO SALE – NO FEE. Call in and see us at: 115, Bohemia Road. Or telephone Hastings 444425/445551.
An exhibition of ceramics, etchings and caricatures opens at Empress Art, Tower Road on June 7th for three weeks.
American born and London based Charlotte Foley will be showing a range of functional stoneware.
Ian Hersee studied printmaking at Hastings College of Art; his etchings have been exhibited in Europe and Britain and have been accepted for the Royal Academy Summer Show.
Stewart Buchan’s cartoons have appeared in local newspapers and national publications. His caricatures include well-known personalities like Rudolph Nureyev and Peter Sellers. A special A4 size (twice the size of this page) print of Bob Geldof will be on sale during the Exhibition at £1.30p and the profits from this print will go to the Band Aid Trust.
Ian Laurie etchings July 21st to August 6th. Daily 9-5.
Ian Laurie was born in Scotland in 1933. He is self-taught and his etchings are mostly developed from snatched mental images gained whilst motoring in the Sussex countryside. He is attracted to the natural earth tones and the subtle colouring of evening skies which he endeavours to incorporate in his simplified versions of nature. His etchings, in limited editions of one hundred, each numbered and signed, are sold in many leading galleries in this country and abroad.
The Northwood Paperweights, August 24th to 30th.
I have been making paperweights in Polyester Resin for around 20 years, off and on. In that time I have developed a number of my own techniques and in the process I have been able to produce some unique items. Last year you backed me generously in a sponsored walk to raise funds for the Jubilee Sailing Trust. I clearly cannot ask you to repeat that. Therefore I am offering my paperweights for sale to raise funds for that charity and our own Benevolent Fund. They will not be cheap – one I donated to the Winkle Club earlier this year sold for £50 . . .
To an Old Age Pensioner £15 is a lot of money, but when you compare it with a winter’s fuel bills it seems very small indeed. We gave away £195 towards 13 pensioners’ fuel bills this winter and now, of course, we are looking for ways and means to augment our Benevolent Fund.
Coming back, then to my paperweights: I had already promises to exhibit and sell some for the Jubilee Sailing Trust when our Committee decided to set up the Benevolent Fund. Under the circumstances, I decided to go ahead and make twice the number of paperweights and to divide the money so raised between the two charities.
Paperweights are a special kind of item; I do not expect everyone to dash round to the Gallery and buy the lot. On the other hand, I do expect them to arouse quite a bit of interest and, since they are quite unusual, I do hope that they will attract enough publicity to attract buyers from outside our immediate area.
In fixing the prices I have taken the following points into account: the cost of the materials, the amount of work and time spent making them (anything from two days to a week on each), the fact that they are all one-off items, no two being the same and the prices asked for other paperweights. These range from around £20 to a batch of four in Mr. Owbenn’s shop priced at £75 each – obviously collectors’ items.
In addition, since I have only a limited time left to me, I can only make a limited number of them. I would quite reasonably expect them to increase in value as time goes by.
All monies so raised will go to the charities without any deductions. The ArtGallery are foregoing their commission in this instance – for which I am sincerely grateful.
TED HEASMER [Advertisement] ROOFING CONTRACTOR. GENERAL BUILDER. Free Estimates, Quality Work. 114, Mount Pleasant Road, Hastings. Tel. 420676 or 753658.
KARINA [Advertisement] WE SELL BABY AND TODDLER WEAR, WOOLS AND KNITWEAR. We also offer a unique service, let us make up beautiful hand-knitted garments, from our wide selection of patterns in any size. Find us at: 131, Bohemia Road.
BEE STING DISCO [Advertisement] Wedding Parties, All Occasions. Tel. 712804.
At our last General Meeting it was agreed that a number of our members would start a local Neighbourhood Watch scheme. It is a fact that where these schemes have been started the number of burglaries and break-ins has dropped noticeably. The scheme is not intended to encourage nosiness into other folk’s affairs, nor does it involve any kind of vigilante action. It is there to help the Police to do their job more efficiently with the positive assistance of the local residents. Anyone interested should contact WPC Bayliss.
EMPRESS ART [Advertisement] The Picture Framers. 3/4 Tower Road. St. Leonards-on-Sea, EastSussex. Telephone (0424) 442000.
K. R. NUNN [Advertisement] Antiques, Weapons, Furniture, China, Medals, Coins, Silver. Valuations, House Clearance. 106 Bohemia Road, Tel 431093.
June 7th to 27th. Exhibition of ceramics. Empress Art, Tower Road.
June 9th Concert, St Paul’s children. White Rock.
July 7th to 12th “Joseph” with St. Paul’s Children. White Rock
July 12th STREET PARTY (if permitted). Aldborough Rd.
July 21st to Aug 6th Ian Laurie etchings. Empress Art.
August 24th to 30th Northwood Paperweights. Empress Art.
We hope to make this a regular feature of this Bulletin. As you know, we appear quarterly. Any organization that is planning events between mid-September and mid-November and would like it mentioned in our next Bulletin, which will be distributed around the first week in September should contact me before the middle of August. H. Northwood, Editor, 39 Salisbury Road, Hastings 426684.
I was asked to check the truth or otherwise of a rumour which claimed that the Council was going to purchase compulsory parts of the back gardens in St. Paul’s Road. The Borough Planner has stated that this is untrue.
We record with deep regret the passing of the following citizens of Bohemia since our last edition:
FRED BAILEY. Proprietor for many years of the Pet Food Shop (next to Bookman’s Halt). He appeared many times on the stage of the White Rock Pavillion with a local amateur dramatic company. He was very fond of music and had a very good singing voice.
PERCE BUTLER, Proprietor of Butler’s Emporuim at the corner of Salisbury and Bohemia Roads. He was for many years the Chairman of the Bohemia Old Folks’ Association, which gave our old folk many coach outings, Christmas Parties etc.
REG DENGATE, a well-known local French Polisher.
ALFRED SINDEN, father of Colin, one of our Committee members. We were glad to print a write-up that he provided for us in our Christmas issue last year, with his memories of the past in Bohemia.
To all their bereaved we express our sincere and genuine sympathy.
The Y.M.C.A. have asked for Planning permission for an extension to their Sports Centre in St. Paul’s Road. The proposed extension is at the rear of the present premises and also a wooden hut at the front and by the side of the present premises. It is envisaged to have a gate, path and steps from the new extension to Bohemia Road.
I saw nothing in the plans to provide additional parking facilities, although there is ample space in front of the existing building and obviously in view of the number of their vehicles still taking up valuable space in our roads they do urgently need such extra provision.
I would expect the usual restrictions regarding noise and other nuisance to apply if permission is given.
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