Bohemia Village Voice  Bohemia Village Voice

For bohemians everywhere

Elizabeth Preston – The Others (1979)

[From ‘Bohemian Bagatelle‘, published 1979 by the Bohemians]




People are different, we’re not all the same,

Amongst us the cripples, the blind and the lame,

We take special care, help them on their way

As they move around, and we meet them each day.


But what of the others, the crippled in mind,

Those who seem different from ‘normal’ mankind,

Do we stretch out a hand, help them on their way,

Or do we dismiss them by what we don’t say?


We all are so guilty, we often forget

Each one has his worth – and it may happen yet

That you may need, so do not pass by,

Be alive to their needs, be alert to their cry.


Elizabeth Preston

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