June Mann – A Northiam Walk
From Bohemian Bouquet, published 1980 by The Bohemians
A Northiam Walk
What could be more pleasant
On a warm summer’s day,
Than strolling through the woods and fields,
Through leaves, and dust and hay?
With friends to share your wanders,
And dogs to sniff around
In search for smells that snouts delight,
With which the ways abound.
The sun’s bright heat upon your back,
While gentle breezes play
Soft sweet music for your ears
Among Dog-Rose and May.
With undulating countryside
To feast your eyes upon –
Such memories to put to store
For when the summer’s gone.
To talk of this and mention that,
No lofty thoughts inspire,
Content to let the sterner things
Of life to just ‘Hang fire!’
“Look, there’s a lark, – and see how sheep
Have walked this way in line,
A winding path their hooves have trod
In pastures chewed down fine.”
“Let’s climb this stile and see beyond
The corn that’s grown so well,”
‘A bumper crop’ the farmer says
To make the hoppers swell.
A dragonfly is hovering
While crickets gaily sing,
A rabbit’s ear is briskly washed,
A heron takes to wing.
The Rother winds its gentle way
With willows standing by,
‘Neath mellow-bricked bridge and railway line
To emerge at last in Rye.
These pastoral scenes my soul enjoys,
No city dweller, me.
Give me the rural setting please,
I’ll leave the streets to thee.
June Mann
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