Bohemia Village Voice  Bohemia Village Voice

For bohemians everywhere

John Hodgson – ” Our Day”

From Bohemian Bouquet, published 1980 by The Bohemians.


Our Day

The bright sun shines through a window warm,
The birds seek food on a dewy lawn.
The storm has gone, the day awakes,
To a million ripples on a thousand lakes.
Tea in bed, as we awaken,
Followed by the fragrance of eggs and bacon.
The sound of a mower as it cuts the grass
While the church bells call congregations to Mass.

The bark of a dog in a wood nearby,
While children play and babies cry.
The smell of roast beef, the joy of a garden,
From the daily toil we’re granted a pardon.
A chair on the lawn, an excuse for yawning,
Some spend it our way,
We call it “our day”,
There’s nothing we love like a bright Sunday morning.

A country walk among the trees,
Primroses, blue bells, to pick as you please.
A picnic tea of salad and cakes,
While all around nature’s noises she makes.
The silence of solitude,
The song of the lark,
Better get home now,
It soon will be dark.

A quiet evening at home,
Carry baby to bed,
For the love of a family
A lot’s to be said,
We’ve had a good time,
A frolic and fun day.
Let’s turn out the lights,
It’s not Sunday, it’s Monday.

John Hodgson

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